873-889 Craigs Corner Rd, Havre De Grace, MD 21078, USA

Location Searches

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2024-1-5, 3:43 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 26 minutes 51 seconds ago) Beni Djellil, Amizour District, Bejaia, 06082, Algeria 2024-1-5, 3:43 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 26 minutes 51 seconds ago) Samseong 1(il)-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06082, South Korea 2024-1-5, 3:42 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 27 minutes 51 seconds ago) 273, Windham Avenue, Colchester, New London County, Connecticut, 06415, USA 2024-1-5, 3:40 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 29 minutes 12 seconds ago) 65, North Maple Street, Hazardville Historic District, Hazardville, Enfield, Capitol Planning Region, Connecticut, 06082, USA 2024-1-5, 3:40 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 30 minutes 7 seconds ago) 63, North Maple Street, Hazardville Historic District, Hazardville, Enfield, Capitol Planning Region, Connecticut, 06082, USA 2024-1-5, 3:39 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 31 minutes 3 seconds ago) 623, Michigan Street, Petoskey, Emmet County, Michigan, 49770, USA 2024-1-5, 3:26 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 43 minutes 28 seconds ago) 165, Surfside Drive, Bridgehampton, Suffolk County, New York, 11932, USA 2024-1-5, 3:26 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 43 minutes 43 seconds ago) 95-1018, Meakino Street, Mililani Town, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96789, USA 2024-1-5, 3:25 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 44 minutes 29 seconds ago) 813, Wading River Manor Road, Manorville, Suffolk County, New York, 11949, USA 2024-1-5, 3:22 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 47 minutes 25 seconds ago) 20 1/2 Street Northwest, Stewartville, Olmsted County, Minnesota, 55976, USA 2024-1-5, 3:22 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 47 minutes 25 seconds ago) 20 1/2 Street NW, Stewartville, Olmsted County, Minnesota, 55976, USA 2024-1-5, 3:22 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 47 minutes 25 seconds ago) 20 1/2 St NW, Stewartville, Olmsted County, Minnesota, 55976, USA 2024-1-5, 3:22 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 47 minutes 25 seconds ago) 730, 20th St NW, Stewartville, Olmsted County, Minnesota, 55976, USA 2024-1-5, 3:22 pm GMT (109 days 6 hours 47 minutes 25 seconds ago) 730, 20th Street Northwest, Stewartville, Olmsted County, Minnesota, 55976, USA 2024-1-5, 3:03 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 6 minutes 40 seconds ago) Country Club Road, Yadkinville, Yadkin County, North Carolina, 27055, USA 2024-1-5, 3:01 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 9 minutes 4 seconds ago) East Birch Street, Yadkinville, Yadkin County, North Carolina, 27055, USA 2024-1-5, 3:00 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 9 minutes 49 seconds ago) 6224, West State Rte 102, Manteno, Kankakee County, Illinois, 60950, USA 2024-1-5, 2:43 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 26 minutes 59 seconds ago) Summit Parkway, Columbia, Richland County, South Carolina, 29229, USA 2024-1-5, 2:42 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 27 minutes 44 seconds ago) 60 Garden Colony, Khurla Kingra, Jalandhar, Jalandhar I Tahsil, Jalandhar District, Punjab, 144210, India 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzón, Batán, Cantón Matina, Limón Province, 70502, Costa Rica 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzón, Merindad de Cuesta-Urria, Burgos, Castile and León, 09549, Spain 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzon, Tyler County, West Virginia, 26175, USA 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzon, Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental, Davao Region, 8210, Philippines 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzon, Cagayan, Cagayan Valley, Philippines 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzon, Isabela, Cagayan Valley, 3304, Philippines 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzon, Contra Costa County, California, 94553, USA 2024-1-5, 2:41 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 28 minutes 13 seconds ago) Luzón, Señorío de Molina, Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, 19285, Spain 2024-1-5, 2:36 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 33 minutes 42 seconds ago) PAE.Ch.VH-980, Ruta Nacional 26, Departamento Sarmiento, Chubut Province, Argentina 2024-1-5, 2:36 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 33 minutes 42 seconds ago) Subway, 900, Greenbank Road, Barrhaven West, Ottawa, Eastern Ontario, Ontario, K2J 1S8, Canada 2024-1-5, 2:36 pm GMT (109 days 7 hours 33 minutes 42 seconds ago) 48858, Calle Trafalgar, Cintruénigo, Erribera / Ribera, Navarre, 31592, Spain

Selected Location

873-889 Craigs Corner Rd, Havre de Grace, MD 21078, USA
Latitude: 39.621683
Longitude: -76.164888

Cursor Coordinates

Latitude:cursor off map



Address field - enter an address, city, state, place name, postal code or any other name for a location into this field and then click the find button to retrieve its latitude-longitude coordinate pair. Your result will be displayed in the box either under or to the right of the find button (depending on the width of the device you're viewing this on).

Latitude and Longitude fields - enter the latitude and longitude of the place you're trying to locate then click the find button. Again, your result will be displayed in the box either under or to the right of the find button.

Load Location

To find the latitude and longitude of a location enter its human readable form (i.e. an address, placename or postal/zip code, etc.) into the LOC field and then click the load button
(the return key will also submit). The latitude, longitude and address of the location will be displayed in the "Selected Location" box, if the attempt was successful.

buttons are only available when the input fields have content.

To find an address from a latitude and longitude coordinate pair enter the coordinates into their corresponding fields (LAT for latitude and LNG for longitude). The coordinates fields accept degrees decimal, degrees minutes decimal or degrees minutes and seconds decimal. Click
or type return/enter to submit. Again, results will display in the "Selected Location" box.

Click the clear button,
, to clear the input fields.
Map Coordinates displays the latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees, minutes, seconds decimal, degrees minutes decimal and degrees decimal of the currently selected map location.
Selected Location displays the reverse geocoded location of the current latitude and longitude (approximation only). See also find address from latitude and longitude.

Cursor Coordinates

Displays the latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds decimal, degrees minutes decimal and degrees decimal of the current mouse location. While dragging the map it displays the Map Center's coordinates. (See convert GPS coordinates to convert latitude-longitude coordinate pairs.)
Map Parameters displays current parameters of the map (zoom level, map type, map dimensions). The map can be reset to its default values and size by clicking the reset map button.
Map Height Click and drag the small, gray grab handle at the bottom of the map to adjust its height. Resize the window width to increase or decrease the map's width.


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